Auroras and Healing: Bridging Science, Myth, and The Earth's Summer Season

Auroras and Healing: Bridging Science, Myth, and The Earth's Summer Season

 The Highlights

  • The Science Behind Auroras
  • The Importance of Myth to the Human experience
  • The Mythic Stories and meaning behind Auroras 
  • The Significance of The Earth's First Summer or Beltane Season
  • Reading the Tea Leaves: How wisdom from science, myth and Earth's Summer Season fit together
  • How to Surf this solar wave time and Use the energy charge for some profound healing
  • Free Lion Body Care Ways to help support your healing Safari

Since May 1, we've been celebrating First Summer or Beltane, the season of fire, fertility, and rebirth, symbolizing the union of yin and yang energies and the lushness of new life.

On the weekend of May 11-13, we experienced spectacular aurora light shows worldwide. These displays, visible more vividly through smartphones than the naked eye, evoked a child-like sense of awe and wonder. Colors ranged from deep reds in South Africa to turquoises over New York, and purples, pinks, and greens over Western Canada. My son and I stepped out to see the lights and were not disappointed.

Since that light show, I have been experiencing symptoms in all of my bodies. Emotionally, I have felt anxiety from surfacing past trauma memories; physically, I’ve had an achy painy lymph system and restless sleep; mentally, I’ve had racing thoughts and inner dialogue that sound an awful lot like “coulda woulda shoulda”; and ethereally, I experience an overall sense of calm, from the Observer part of me that knows that these moments too shall pass. 

It seems to be a general push to clear out toxins, (people, beliefs, thoughts, feelings and body infections) before embarking on the next phase of experience. Things I thought I had already cleared out and healed have come up again, almost as though the universe is checking and making sure I am happy with my progress so far. Not gonna lie; it's been a bit of a ride. 

And I’ve been hearing similar stories from others around me.  People are experiencing sensitivity or symptoms in each of their bodies, depending on what is needed for their own specific holistic rebalancing  as a form of serious self-care and healing during a phase change.

Just what is going on and what does any of this have to do with the Aurora light shows and Beltane Season?

The Science Behind Auroras

The recent aurora displays resulted from six major solar emissions creating geomagnetic storms, charging particles in Earth's atmosphere. This BBC Global vid explains the science:

The Sun regularly emits heat, light, energy, and particles, with Earth's geomagnetic field shielding us from most of it. However, the Sun's energy output fluctuates, with constant solar wind and occasional storms. Recently, multiple X and M-class solar flares and several coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the Sun reached Earth. More activity from the same sunspots is expected in the coming weeks.

When a solar storm reaches Earth, charged particles travel along magnetic field lines at the poles and enter the atmosphere, interacting with gases to create stunning auroras. Oxygen emits green and red light, while nitrogen produces blue and purple. Cool science, right?

The Importance of Myth to the Human Experience

grey paper peeled away to reveal myth and meaning in text

Since ancient times, humans have meticulously observed the stars and planets, using their knowledge to predict both long and short cycles of time, such as with the Mayan Calendar. But they did more than just mark time. Their science of the stars, known as astrology, intertwined with myth, blending observable facts with meaningful stories to guide human choices—a profound  tool to have in a world governed by free will.

Today, science can explain the mechanisms behind auroras, but their significance and the emotions they evoke remain for us to interpret. For millennia, humans have created stories about natural phenomena, embedding them with symbols, archetypes, and guidance. These stories, or "wisdoms," have been passed down through oral traditions, entertainment, and rituals, sustaining generations.

According to Joseph Campbell, Myths are the guidebooks for life itself, with all its beauty and mystery. They reflect the concept of transcending duality, as there can be no good without evil. Myths are the keys to understanding the whole of human experience.

Myths hold answers to the magical "why" of the universe, and our interconnected, place within it. They contain soul memories and archetypes of human experience, offering much more than just explanations of the movement of bodies in the sky.  

However, the rise of Patriarchy, Rationalism, and science—focused on control and power—trivialized these ancient wisdoms as mere superstition. Many wisdom keepers, from indigenous peoples to witches and shamans, were persecuted, and their knowledge distorted for "power over."

In losing these stories, we also lost the codes that could unlock, at the right moments in our lives, intuitive inner knowledge and wisdom—from shared cultural memory, the subconscious, and often the soul’s akashic memory. 

Despite the deep divide between hard Science and Myth, the tradition of linking celestial bodies with myth still endures. For instance, astronomers have recently explored the Kuiper Belt, a doughnut-shaped region of icy objects beyond Neptune. This region includes Pluto, several dwarf planets, and some comets. When naming these new celestial objects, astronomers have drawn from mythological sources, preserving an ancient tradition alongside modern scientific advancements. These objects have been named after significant gods and goddesses from Hawaiian, Chinese, Greek, Polynesian, and Native North American mythologies, as well as a contemporary contribution–Tolkien’s Middle Earth.

 The Mythic Meaning Behind Auroras

valkyrie flying in front of aurora borealis

 In ancient Greece and Rome, Aurora was the goddess of the Dawn, flying across the sky in her multicolored chariot to wake everyone up. She represented the liminal space between night and day, sleep and awake, where new things are brought into being—the theta state 

According to NeuroHealth–the Science of Brainwaves, Theta brainwaves are linked to creativity, intuition, and daydreaming. They store memories, emotions, and sensations and are strong during activities like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness. Theta waves bridge the conscious and subconscious minds. Pre-puberty, our theta brainwaves are on all the time, a normal part of our experience of traversing worlds. As adults, we lose this fluidity and have to make the time consciously go into Theta brainwave states to reconnect with our ability to imagine, create and manifest. The awe and wonder people experienced looking at the aurora waves with their eyes or through their cell phones did just that.


Aboriginal knowledge holders in south-west Queensland describe the aurora as feast fires of the Oola Pikka. These are spiritual beings that speak to elders through the aurora, the veil between worlds–which can be thought of as dimensional frequencies or states of being. It is a clue about our inherent (though perhaps dormant) clairvoyant senses. 

It is also a story about connection and oneness that continues despite transition or transmutation from one state of being to another. We are always connected. So what we choose to believe, dream, or do matters–to the collective consciousness and to our collective dreaming of what we want to experience together. Within this context, perhaps the Auroras have been a wake up call to be more focused in our attention and intention.


The Vikings believed the Northern Lights were reflections from the armour of the Valkyries, female warriors who led Odin’s chosen to Valhalla after death.

This archetype signifies goddess energies guiding us through a hero’s journey—not an external battle, but an inner one between our own light and shadow, our own opposites. It is an opportunity to conquer our fears and live from the heart, in alignment with unconditional love, the Earth and all of Life itself. 

In so doing, the patriarchal myth gets turned on its head, its focus moving from Death to Life.  One does not have to wait for death to gain reward for a life well lived—one is rewarded here and now by simply living well in a balanced way in every moment.


Another belief held by the Sámi people of Finnish Lapland was that the lights were created by a spume of water from whales. In ancient indigenous wisdom, Whales are seen as connected to the mind of the Creator. They are keepers of the records of life on this planet; and through their song, they are said to be able to heal and repair the earth’s energy meridians. So the aurora was thought to hold healing energy for all of Life on the planet, support that is available to us now.

The Significance of The Earth's First Summer or Beltane Season

Beltane bonfire celebration

The auroras hit us right in the middle of the Earth’s First Summer season, also known as Beltane. This season is a celebration of fire, fertility and rebirth. It is about the joining of yin and yang energies in a beautiful dance of creation and New Life when the land is becoming ever more verdant and lush.

Beltane is also about keeping your heart open and recognising and celebrating love in all its forms. Other themes include sacred union, fertility, beauty and the balancing of opposites. It also has a quality of sensuality, reminding us to reconnect with, take care of and celebrate all aspects of life in a physical body.

In our solar system, the Sun is considered Yang and the earth Yin. It would appear that they are doing their own Beltane dance of fire and rebalancing opposites. The aurora lights provide a visual cue that draws our both attention and intention to their dance. 

Reading the Tea Leaves: How Wisdom From Science, Myth and Earth's Cycles Fit Together

Nikola Tesla with electricity, taking notes; overlayed with flower of life and frequency diagram

Nikola Tesla said that “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies, which gives us different dimensions or densities. Everything organic is built as a frequency emitter or receiver with an electromagnetic field. We understand our own as our chakra system and auric field.

A solar storm from the sun means a charged Earth atmosphere which means a charged everything on her surface–including us. Nature adapts to whatever changes there are in the environment; it knows how to go with the Flow, responding to this energy influx and incorporating potential changes into the Beltane fertility cycle. 

Humans, however, can be a little resistant, entrained as we are to lead with our fears. We may have experienced the Sun’s energy charge in our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies as sleeplessness, anxiety, calm or even joy–depending on our resistance levels.

But what’s this energy charge for right now? Myth provides clues. Beltane is about yin and yang, or opposites, coming into balance in preparation for joining and creating something new together. The human patriarchal experiment has stressed these energies out of their natural state, which, in turn, has created imbalance and stress for the whole planet. I think the sun and the Earth are in the middle of conducting a repair to benefit all Life on Earth, including us.

Charged particles from the Sun means energy is vibing at a higher frequency, in every atom, molecule and cell on Earth. If we are vibing higher, fear has less to hold on to. If we are not in fear 24/7, then we can participate in thoughts and feelings that contribute to creating a different collective human experience. Perhaps this one has the possibility of being balanced and more heart-centered.  

On the personal level, it is a chance for us to repair the relationship between our own yin and yang energies.  I experience this energy as helpful and supportive to transformation, kind of like an answer to many prayers.

There is a tendency for the media to focus on what can go wrong with the solar flares–like power grid outages, failed satellites, cell phone coverage drops and such. But honestly, so what? We humans can do hard things. We just have to remember to go with the Flow, like Nature does. 

How to Surf this Solar Wave Time and Use its Energy Charge For Some Profound Healing

Beltane is a time of rebirth; the aurora points to the dawn of the new;. Myth tells us that  it is a time when the veil between worlds or dimensions is thin. It can be an opportunity for activating dormant abilities or senses, engaging soul memory or getting clearer messages from your more expanded or higher self. 

Here are three things you can do to surf the wave. 

Calm your thoughts. 

As we go through this charged period, pay attention to your inner dialogue. If you are sounding judgy, defensive, scared or whiny, take a deep breath and ground yourself. As you breathe in, visualize energy coming in through your crown chakra and flowing down through your spine to the base and then down each leg into the Earth to be recycled. Thank Mother Earth for her help. 

On the next in breath, consciously change your thoughts. I find the quickest way out of the fear vibe is to appreciate what is immediately around you. It could be your home, your pet, your loved ones, your garden, your body, your abilities. Take time to think about what you appreciate and why. And voila, appreciating thoughts replace your fear thoughts while bringing up your own happy vibe charge. 

Get out in Nature

She’s here to help us surf this charge wave and make the choices we need to make to bring our own good selves back into yin and yang balance. So go hang out with her, talk to her, the plants or the animals around you. Let your electromagnetic charge ground. 

The other day, my son and I were having an anxiety moment. I invited him to join me in the garden. We lay on the cool grass looking up at the clouds against the blue sky, the fresh green on new leaves, the spring flowers. The release feeling was almost instant. 20 minutes later we were ready to get back to it.

Honour your own Creative Energies

Take some time to create and make  things during this time—be it a feast, a painting, dance performance, music or epic love. As you do, be mindful of what you are experiencing as you are creating. The key is to try and turn off your thoughts so that your Intuition can enjoy this creative ride.

Focus on body sensations, and be right there with them in real time. Don't let your mind talk over them with explanations of what you are experiencing or doubts or anything else. Allow your feelings to come up and completely expand into your being. You may meet joy, ecstasy, bliss, happiness. Whatever feelings you meet, surf and celebrate them all—because THIS is what we are all here for. THIS is what it means to be Spirit having a human experience, to be fully alive.

Journal it Out

Prentis Hemphill wrote, “Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously.” These have become critical to my life in the past few years, as they have given me the space I have needed to feel, evaluate and choose with much less pressure than when I am engaged in imbalanced or toxic relationships.  At first I felt guilty for creating the distance I needed. Until I didn't. Years of therapy and doing The Work, my friends! 

This aurora season has felt like an evaluation period to me. Events have occurred all month to bring up circumstances that have triggered difficult events from the past, almost so that I can have an opportunity to look at them and evaluate my choices and trajectory before a new creative phase begins. 

  • Do I feel calm and collected? Which areas of my life or relationships feel that way?
  • Do I feel anxious and scared? Which areas of my life or relationships feel that way?
  • Do I like my life? Do I like who I have become? Are there things I want to actively alter? Or am I good, ready to move into other experiences? 
  • If I were to exit this life tomorrow, would I have any regrets? What would those be?

Take a moment in your own day to journal your answers to these questions, to open such a conversation with yourself. 

Next, check in with your male and female energies. Put your hands on your head, the seat of your yang, and ask it to tell you what it needs to tell you. Write down what comes to mind. Don’t edit or sweep away.

Next, place your hands on your belly button, the seat of your yin, and ask it what it has to tell you. Write down what comes up–sensations, feelings thoughts–your journal. Again, don’t edit or doubt it.

Lastly, place your hands on your heart, where yin and yang meet in the body, and ask them what they have to say. Think of it as you doing a mediation session with your male and female parts, listening to both, finding common ground and resolution. 

For example your yang might be telling you he’s tired of doing things for others; your yin might be longing for creative time. The resolution from the heart, to balance out both sets of needs might be to set boundaries with others–don’t always be available. And carve out some creative alone time, set an art date with yourself. 

Is there an aspect of your life where boundaries would be a good thing. Write some more about how you might create the safe space you need to create the new in your life, in a balanced and more heart-centered way. 

This, I think, is the healing potential in the geomagnetic charge coming  from the sun to the earth right now. And it is to be with us for the next few weeks. I encourage you to open your heart and take this opportunity to transmute and heal your own inner opposites. Tis the season! Above all, be kind to yourself.

Free Lion Body Care Ways to help support your healing Safari

To help with Sleeplessness, try spraying Lavender Spritz on your pillow before bedtime or put some Lavender Scent Oil in your diffuser.

If you're feeling a little breathless, try some Thieves Wellness Oil in your diffuser or in a steam bath to help open up your lungs

To help with anxiety, try some Lavender Scent Oil, Head Calm Oil or Relax Wellness Oils in your diffuser. 

To ease your achy pains try a massage with Thieves Salve or Ma’s Massage Oil. Or massage some Head Balm onto your forehead, temples and the bone behind your ear to help calm your mind.

Use Free Lion Scents Oils in your diffuser, Rolled onto your skin or spirtzed on your body: 

Be Grounded with Sandalwood 

Be Up with Mombasa, Citrus Cedarwood

Be Open to Receiving with  Namika, Tofino Breeze

Need a Hug with Rose Garden, Rain City

Be Calm with Lavender

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